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Join us in honoring our daughter; help kids in the PICU at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago; and enjoy a custom cozy blanket!


On August 31, 2018, my husband Danny and I welcomed our 3rd child into the world.  Reilly Maeve was born five weeks early but was strong and active.  Her brothers were very excited to have a baby sister.  Unfortunately soon after birth, they discovered Reilly had enterovirus which caused major organ failure.  At just seven days old, Reilly was moved to the PICU at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago where she was put on continuous dialysis and other intensive treatments.  


During the time we spent at Lurie Children’s Hospital, Reilly was given the best care and had the most wonderful nursing staff on her team.  Not only did they provide the most expert medical care, they also gave personal attention to Reilly. Every day Reilly had a fresh bow in her hair and a cozy feel to her room. Beyond the great medical team, the hospital’s Family Services Department supported Reilly’s two brothers, my husband, and me as we lived through the hardships. We have so many examples of their thoughtfulness and support.  

Since Reilly’s passing on October 10, 2018, Danny and I have struggled with the “why” and the “now what.”  We will never understand the “why” but we are working on the “now what.” We are excited to say we have found a new way to honor Reilly’s life!  We want to help other sick kids and their families to feel a little bit more comfortable in the hospital. I like to craft and will put my skills to use in supporting the Family Services Department at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. 


For every “Reilly’s Smile” blanket we sell, we would like to give a soft warm blanket to a child in the PICU to provide them loving comfort and to honor our Reilly’s life. However, because of COVID safety measures, the hospital is only allowing monetary donations at this time. For now, rather than the gift of a blanket, for every “Reilly’s Smile” blanket sold, we will donate the proceeds directly to the Family Services Department at Lurie Children’s Hospital.  


Thank you for your support.  






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